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How to track new Keywords and Product keyword ranks?

Keywords are critical to the success of internet enterprises. They are the foundation of search engine optimisation (SEO) and can assist in driving visitors to a website. As a result, tracking keyword rankings is critical for every internet business.

It helps firms track their SEO efforts' effectiveness and make the required changes to boost their rankings. This post will review the various ways to track new and product keyword ranks.

Determine Relevant Keywords

Identifying appropriate keywords is the first step in tracking new and product keyword ranks. This can be accomplished through keyword research.

The process of locating and evaluating search phrases used to identify items or services in a particular sector or niche is known as keyword research.

Various internet tools can assist firms with keyword research, including Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, and Ahrefs. Businesses can begin tracking the ranking of relevant keywords after identifying them.

Employ Keyword Tracking Software

Keyword-tracking tools are software applications that track the position of terms in search engine results pages (SERPs). They can assist firms in determining which keywords are doing effectively and which need to be improved.

Google Search Console, SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz are popular keyword-tracking tools. Google Search Console is a free service supplied by Google that allows businesses to track the performance of their website in Google search.

It may display enterprises to the keywords bringing traffic to their website and their average Google ranking.

SEMrush and Ahrefs are excellent tools with more advanced functions, such as tracking competitor keyword rankings and spotting keyword opportunities. Moz is another paid tool that offers keyword tracking and other SEO tools like site audits and link analysis.

Monitor Product Keywords

Businesses should monitor the ranking of their product keywords and track new keywords. Product keywords are search terms specific to a single product or service.

Following the order of product keywords can assist businesses in determining which products are popular with customers and which require additional advertising.

Businesses should first discover the keywords related to their products before tracking them. They can then utilise keyword tracking tools to track how those keywords rank.

Companies can detect which products rank higher than others by monitoring the ranking of product keywords and making appropriate changes to their marketing efforts.

Examine the Performance of Keywords

Monitoring new keywords and product keyword rankings is insufficient. Companies must also evaluate the performance of such keywords. Businesses may understand which keywords deliver the most traffic to their website and which do not by evaluating keyword performance. This data can assist organisations in making essential changes to their SEO strategies.

When analysing keyword performance, businesses should examine search volume, click-through rate (CTR), and conversion rate. Search volume is the number of times a keyword is looked for on a search engine.

The percentage of users who click on a website link after viewing it on a SERP is called CTR. The conversion rate is the percentage of people who do a desired action, such as purchasing after viewing a website.

Businesses may detect which keywords send the most traffic to their website and which are not by studying these analytics. Companies can then make essential changes to their SEO methods, such as enhancing their website's content or targeting other keywords.

Use Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a fantastic tool for businesses to use to track the success of their website. It can provide valuable insights into a company's website traffic, such as the number of visitors, location, and page views.

It may also track keyword performance and offer businesses data on how their SEO efforts affect website traffic. Companies should define goals in Google Analytics to organisations the performance of keywords.

Objectives are specific activities that companies want users to accomplish on their websites, such as purchasing or completing a contact form. By setting goals, businesses can track the number of visitors who take certain steps after accessing the website via a specific term.

Create Alerts

Putting up alerts can assist organisations in staying on top of keyword performance. Businesses can set up alerts for specific keywords using keyword tracking tools like SEMrush and Ahrefs.

Companies can be notified when a term rises or falls in the results or when a competitor begins ranking for a keyword. Businesses may immediately discover changes in keyword performance and make necessary improvements to their SEO campaigns by setting up notifications.

Monitor Local Keywords

Local keyword tracking is critical for businesses that serve a local market. Local keywords are search queries with a geographic component, such as "pizza delivery in Los Angeles."

Companies may determine how well they rank in their local market by watching the ranking of local keywords and making required changes to their SEO tactics.

Businesses could use tools like Google My Business and Moz Local to track local keywords. These tools can assist firms in optimising their local SEO operations and tracking local keyword rankings.

Track Mobile Rankings

Businesses must watch their mobile rankings as the use of mobile devices for internet browsing grows. A website's rating on a mobile device is called mobile rankings.

Because Google has a separate algorithm for mobile results, businesses must verify that their website is mobile-friendly. Companies can use tools like Google's Mobile-Friendly Test and SEMrush's Mobile Rank Monitoring to track mobile ranks.

These tools can assist organisations in identifying any difficulties with their website's mobile optimisation and tracking keyword rankings on mobile devices.


It is critical for any online business to keep track of new keywords and product keyword rankings. Companies can understand which keywords provide the most traffic to their website and make required changes to their SEO strategies by tracking keyword performance.

Using keyword tracking tools, assessing keyword performance, and monitoring rival keywords are all approaches for measuring keyword performance.

To keep up with their keyword performance, businesses should analyse local and mobile rankings and set up alerts. Companies may increase keyword ranks and website traffic with the correct tools and methods.


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