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The Seven Types of Keywords and Why They Matter

A keyword is the best thing a website can have because it helps search engines know what you're trying to get them to find. And since keywords will factor into the algorithm at their level, you must use quality ones and understand why they matter.

The seven types of keywords and keyword grouping that you should be optimizing for are:

1#AdWords Keywords

Keywords are the words, phrases, and other search terms you use to describe your business. Your AdWords account is set up to show ads for keywords you've selected.

Keyword bidding can be an essential tool for your PPC campaign because it helps you control how much you pay per click (PPC). You can increase or decrease your bid depending on how many people search for those keywords in your market.

2#Long Tail Keyword

The long tail keyword is a term used to describe a large number of keywords that are less commonly searched for.

For example, "business" is a long-tail keyword because it is more specific than "businesses." In other words, many businesses only appear in the search results when someone uses this keyword.

Long tail keywords can benefit you if you are trying to rank for them. However, it's essential to understand that there are different types of long-tail keywords and how they may benefit you or not.

3# Broad Match Keywords

Broad match keywords are the most generic types of keywords. They can be used for any ad copy and targeted to multiple topics, including product and service-related ones. These broad-match keywords have low conversion expectations, meaning they will likely appear out of the top search results on Google.

Broad match keywords are usually longer than phrase matches and are not typically used in duplicate ad copy. Broad-match keyword ads often contain phrases or short, freeform keyword combinations that could include more descriptive terms. This includes long-tail, phrase-based and synonym variations.

4# Phrase Match Keywords

Phrase match keywords are the ideal type of keyword for ranking in Google. They're long-tail keywords that target an exact phrase or sentence.

For example, if you search for "how to make a website," the top result would be "how to make a website" because it targets an exact phrase — "how to make a website."

You can also use phrase-match keywords in your content and titles by matching them with your page text. For example, if you were writing an article titled "How to Make Your Website SEO Friendly," your title might be: "How To Make Your Website SEO Friendly."

5# Broad Match Phrase Keywords

Broad match phrase keywords are the most common type of keywords that you will find in search engine results. People use these words in everyday conversations, but they need a precise meaning.

Broad match keywords are also called wide match modifier words or general match modifier phrases (BMP). They include synonyms and related terms that can be used instead of your primary keyword.

Broad Match Phrase Keywords Benefits: Broad-match keywords are ideal for websites with many pages and products. They are also helpful for businesses targeting customers based on their interests rather than their specific needs.

6# Keyword Sentiment

Keyword sentiment is the way people feel about a particular word. For example, "happy" can be used optimistically or pessimistically.

This is an essential factor for advertisers because it affects how their ads are ranked on search results pages (SERPs). In Google's AdWords platform, keywords with positive sentiment get higher ad rankings and lower CPCs than those with negative emotion.

This means that if you want your ads to appear for specific searches, you need to use words that people are looking for positively. This could mean using words like "happy" or "love" for products or services related to weddings, relationships and romance.

On the other hand, if you're selling something like a product that doesn't have anything to do with emotions at all — think computers or mobile phones — then you may want to consider using more neutral keywords and phrases like "computer," "computer accessories," or "mobile phone accessories."

7# Short tail keyword

A short-tail keyword is a search term that is more specific than a broad-tail keyword. It may be a phrase, an adjective or even just one word.

Short-tail keywords are much easier to rank because they're more specific and will have less competition. They also tend to have lower average CPCs, so you can expect lower costs per click (CPC).

Long tail keywords are longer phrases that describe the subject of your website. The longer these phrases are, the more likely they will give you better rankings on search engines.

A long-tail keyword differs from a broad-tail keyword because it has multiple words that tell people what they want to know about your business or website.

For example, "mobile app development" is a broad-tail keyword but "mobile app development firm" is a long-tail keyword because it contains more information about your company and its services.


Keywords are the words you use in the content of your website. They are the building blocks of your search engine optimization strategy.

Keywords are how people find you on the internet. Whether you're a business or an individual, it will only succeed if your business is in front of potential customers. Optimizing your website for keywords that attract new and existing clients is essential.

You need to use keywords likely to bring in the most traffic. This means you must know your target audience's wants and needs before writing your content.


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